[opus] Opus DTX issue report

Pascal Huart (phuart) phuart at cisco.com
Thu Jun 26 13:33:22 PDT 2014

The email might have been blocked due to the attachment size, here’s a
link to it.



On 26/06/14 19:02, "Pascal Huart (phuart)" <phuart at cisco.com> wrote:

>Hi Jean-Marc,
>Thanks for the fix, the reconstructed signal is now much better.
>Unfortunately there are still discontinuities which show for specific
>signal levels. For testing I ran the same signal as done previously (white
>noise with increasing amplitude in a step pattern). I attached a .zip
>including a screen capture of the problematic section as well as the whole
>.wav file: one channel with the input and the second with the opus output.
>Same settings as before: ./opus_demo voip 16000 1 25000 -dtx input.bin
>Let me know what you think.
>On 20/06/14 17:22, "Gonzalo Mariano (gmariano)" <gmariano at cisco.com>
>>I am currently on Holiday ... perhaps my colleague Pascal can confirm the
>>fix. If not, I'll check after I return to work on Monday 7/7.
>>Thanks for your work.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jean-Marc Valin [mailto:jmvalin at jmvalin.ca]
>>Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 3:05 AM
>>To: Gonzalo Mariano (gmariano); opus at xiph.org
>>Cc: Pascal Huart (phuart)
>>Subject: Re: [opus] Opus DTX issue report
>>Hi Gonzalo,
>>Thanks for reporting this DTX issue. It should now be fixed in git. Can
>>you confirm this it is indeed the case?
>>	Jean-Marc
>>On 19/05/14 10:20 AM, Gonzalo Mariano (gmariano) wrote:
>>> Hello:
>>> We noticed that opus reconstructed noise is pulsing with a 400ms
>>> pattern when dtx is enabled in silk mode. This is independent of the
>>> background noise level and is found with speech + non-speech period
>>> test files as well as variable level noise-only test files. This issue
>>> can be reproduced  with opus v1.1 using this command:
>>>                 ./opus_demo voip 16000 1 25000 ­dtx input.bin
>>> output.bin
>>> We have attached a .wav file with the first channel as the input
>>> reference noise signal and the second channel as the opus codec output
>>> using the opus_demo application.It does not look like this has been
>>> reported already. We would like your feedback.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Gonzalo Mariano and Pascal Huart
>>> Cisco
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