[ogg-dev] Ogg metadata stream embedding

Ian Malone ibmalone at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 13:30:48 PDT 2007

Another spin-off discussion.  The scheme used on
<http://wiki.xiph.org/index.php/Metadata> was to
packetize XML (split it up into packets at the
root level, each of which was self contained
(the terminology has temporarily abandoned me),
and have the bos packet as the opening <?xml
&c. stanza, the eos a </xml>.

It is probably more sensible to include a magic
number identifying it as a metadata stream
and probably a version number.  I wouldn't
anticipate that version number being bumped
in the near future as it would mostly guarantee
1.  An XML metadata stream.
2.  That some form of the currently debated
     metadata format would be present.

Anything I've missed?

This only leaves arguing over the magic number.
I like MOG (Metadata in OGg), but it's far too


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