[libannodex-dev] debian packages

Silvia.Pfeiffer at csiro.au Silvia.Pfeiffer at csiro.au
Wed Apr 27 09:03:55 EST 2005

Hi Jaq,

libcmml 0.9.0 supports CMML 2.1, so is bleeding edge.
libannodex has not followed there yet (except in svn).
So, consistent for the moment are libcmml 0.8.3 and libannodex 0.6.2.
liboggz should work with either (since it doesn't care about CMML).

libfishsound wraps the audio codecs of xiph, so it somewhat independent, although the importers of libannodex make us of it. Check out this dependency graph that Conrad drew a while back:


-----Original Message-----
From:	libannodex-dev-bounces at lists.annodex.net on behalf of Jamie Wilkinson
Sent:	Wed 4/27/2005 12:21 AM
To:	libannodex-dev at lists.annodex.net
Subject:	[libannodex-dev] debian packages
Currently (building) in unstable is libcmml 0.8.3, liboggz 0.9.1,
libfishsound 0.6.3, and libannodex 0.6.1.

I'm working on libcmml 0.9.0 and libannodex 0.6.2, but I think I got
confused along the way; it seems that libannodex 0.6.2 requires libcmml
0.8.3 or less -- 0.9.0 causes a compile error in anx_import_cmml.c, gcc says
the struct has no element 'timebase'.

So, a question: If I were to package the very latest stable set of these
libraries, that worked together, what would they be? :-)

Related to this; libfishsound doesn't seem to be detected by any configure
script, so it looks like it's unneccessary, or is that just an omission?
What's it for and who should be depending on it?  

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