[libannodex-dev] debian packages

Jamie Wilkinson jaq at spacepants.org
Wed Apr 27 11:02:17 EST 2005

[woops, send to list]

This one time, at band camp, Silvia.Pfeiffer at csiro.au wrote:
>libcmml 0.9.0 supports CMML 2.1, so is bleeding edge.
>libannodex has not followed there yet (except in svn).
>So, consistent for the moment are libcmml 0.8.3 and libannodex 0.6.2.
>liboggz should work with either (since it doesn't care about CMML).

Ok, cool.

>libfishsound wraps the audio codecs of xiph, so it somewhat independent, although the importers of libannodex make us of it. Check out this dependency graph that Conrad drew a while back:

Right, libsndfile uses libfishsound.  So I should bug the sndfile maintainer
then :-)

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