[Icecast] Icecast Digest, Vol 176, Issue 8

Damian db76 at riseup.net
Wed Feb 13 23:11:15 UTC 2019

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for clarifying. I’m generally okay with how to do this now. I really appreciate your time and patience. 


>> Thomas, is the second option you mention an installation of the daemon
>> necessary for running as a service?
>> I have already installed the icecast 2.4.99 from source using
>> http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/icecast/icecast-2.5-beta2.tar.gz at
>> icecast.org <http://icecast.org> and have built it using …
> I guess I was too terse in my explanation. See below.
>> ./configure 
>> make 
>> make install. 
>> … so I got a little confused by your suggestions.
>> Dave, in response to your post, /etc/init.d/icecast2 and
>> /etc/default/icecast2 are visible when installing icecast using the
>> apt packet manager on Debian.
>> When installing from source however, I don’t see these
> Yes and that's what I actually meant. Install the latest beta(!) version
> from our repositories and then replace the binary with what you built
> from source. If necessary also webroot and adminroot contents. You could
> also for style points align the PREFIX with the one from the package and
> just make install over things.
> There are many ways to get to a usable development setup.
> Please note that this is starting to outgrow the basic scope of this
> mailing list. If you want to run latest git and provide feedback and
> patches, then the icecast-dev mailing list is better suited.
> Cheers,
> Thomas
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> End of Icecast Digest, Vol 176, Issue 8
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