Fw: [Icecast] Problem with Icecast as Windows-services

Henk van de Ridder henk.vande.ridder at solcon.nl
Thu Jan 26 20:05:21 UTC 2006

 Hallo Leo,

 Thanks for answering my question.
The source client is not on the same machine.

 We have found the solution: it was the Windows Firewall setting on the
 Windows 2003 machine.

 With kind regards,
Henk vd Ridder

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Leo Currie" <leo.currie at strath.ac.uk>
> To: <henk.vande.ridder at solcon.nl>
> Cc: <icecast at xiph.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:55 PM
> Subject: Re: [Icecast] Problem with Icecast as Windows-services
>> henk van de ridder wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> We have some problems to use icecast as a Windows Services.
>>> We have installed the latest Icecast version in Services mode.
>>> We start Icecast.
>>> We see an icecast-service running
>>> When we connect to the machine, streaming of a MP3-file (by using  a M3U
>>> playlist) is OK
>>> But when we logoff our user, then we cannot get connection to the stream
>>> anymore.
>> Sorry if this is a stupid question, but:
>> Is the source client running on the same machine as well? If your source 
>> client isn't running as a service, then it will certainly be stopped when 
>> you logoff, even if the server is still running.
>> Can you access the status.xsl page on the server when logged off?
>> Leo

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