[Icecast] streaming mp3 files

Karl Heyes karl at xiph.org
Fri Jun 3 14:31:13 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-06-03 at 15:17, Wolfgang Schwurack wrote:

> If I change the code to this, were the mp3 file is located, it trys to 
> down load the file
> <a class="readfull" 
> href="http://audio.kuer.org:8002/soundscape/number19.mp3">Listen:  Bats 
> Part 1</a>
> If I create a m3u file number19.m3u
> #EXTM3u
> number19.mp3
> and change the code to this
> <a class="readfull" 
> href="http://audio.kuer.org:8002/soundscape/number19.m3u">Listen:  Bats 
> Part 1</a>
> it will open winamp but does not play.
> Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem?

if the actual link for the file is


then use as a link



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