FW: [Icecast] streaming mp3 files

Fred Black fred at batanga.com
Fri Jun 3 14:27:17 UTC 2005

I think your last approach should work (the m3u file), except you specified
port 8002 instead of 8000... which would cause the behavior you're getting,
winamp opens but does not play the song.


-----Original Message-----
From: icecast-bounces at xiph.org [mailto:icecast-bounces at xiph.org] On Behalf
Of Wolfgang Schwurack
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 10:18 AM
To: icecast
Subject: [Icecast] streaming mp3 files

I have upgraded my streaming server to darkice-0.15 and icecast-2.2.0. I 
am able to stream our radio station from the web site but can not stream 
any of the mp3 files we are link too from our web site.  Here's what I have

in icecast.xml - webroot, were all of our mp3 files are located


website - index.html file, this works with icecast-1.3.12

<a class="readfull" 
Bats Part 1</a>

If I click on the link I get an error "The page cannot be found"

If I change the code to this, were the mp3 file is located, it trys to 
down load the file

<a class="readfull" 
href="http://audio.kuer.org:8002/soundscape/number19.mp3">Listen:  Bats 
Part 1</a>

If I create a m3u file number19.m3u


and change the code to this
<a class="readfull" 
href="http://audio.kuer.org:8002/soundscape/number19.m3u">Listen:  Bats 
Part 1</a>

it will open winamp but does not play.

Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem?


      0___      Wolfgang Schwurack
     c/  /'_    Unix System Administrator
    (*)  \(*)   University of Utah/Utah Education Network
                Tel: (801) 587-9444
                email: wolf at uen.org

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