[Icecast] ices config problems

klaus thorn klaus at trillke.net
Fri Jan 7 17:07:12 UTC 2005

On Fri, Jan 07, 2005 at 02:27:06PM +1100, Michael Smith wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 01:08:15 +0100, klaus thorn <klaus at trillke.net> wrote:
> > *** the following config:
> >         <input>
> >             <module>playlist</module>
> >             <param name="type">script</param>
> >             <param name="file">/radio/getnextsongpath</param>
> >         </input>
> > gets me:
> > 
> > Could not find a valid playlist file.
> > Ices Exiting...
> That's a very, very unusual place to put your playlist. Are you sure
> it's really there?

it's not a playlist. its a script that outputs one songpath when called.
This is what the documentations clains is possible.
And, yes it is there. The script is part of a quite big radio application under /radio

> > 
> > *** the following header of the config file:
> > 
> > <?xml version="1.0"?>
> > <ices>
> > 
> > gets me:
> > 
> > XML Parser: Document of invalid type, no ices namespace found
> > 
> > note that this is the header of your distirbuted config files from ices-2.0.0/conf/
> Yeah, but are you actually USING ices-2.0.0? It looks like you're
> using ices 0.x, which is a completely different application.

ah, my PATH variable was leading to an old ices, you are right. thank you.

the other ices (2.0.0) works ;-) 

klaus thorn     klaus at trillke.net

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