[Icecast] a few questions

Richard Morey morey at banta.psyc.missouri.edu
Thu Oct 21 04:50:05 UTC 2004

Ok, I think I see. The xslt files are kind of a template which tells 
icecast how to format the xml file that is the admin interface? Where 
can I get either an example xslt file or information on how this works? 
I didn't see details in the icecast docs. I have now skimmed the 
information on xml.com, but don't I need to know what xml tags icecast uses?

Thanks for the help,

Michael Smith wrote:

>On Thursday 21 October 2004 12:16, Richard Morey wrote:
>>I was under the impression icecast wrote useage statistics to that
>>directory, and you accessed them via http://host:port/admin/
>Icecast serves various things (including usage statistics) from 
>However, none of what it serves directly comes from files, it's all 
>dynamically generated.
>>Where does the xslt file come from that it tries to access when you
>>attempt to access the admin page?
>The XSLT files are in the admin directory. They never get written by icecast 
>(they can be modified by the user though - to make it look different, or 
>whatever else you might want to do).
>The XML that the XSLT is applied to is dynamically generated, icecast never 
>writes an actual file for this. 
>The response from the admin interface is the result of applying the XSLT 
>transformation to the dynamically generated XML file.

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