[Icecast] a few questions

Richard Morey morey at banta.psyc.missouri.edu
Thu Oct 21 02:16:33 UTC 2004

I was under the impression icecast wrote useage statistics to that 
directory, and you accessed them via http://host:port/admin/

Where does the xslt file come from that it tries to access when you 
attempt to access the admin page?

Michael Smith wrote:

>On Thursday 21 October 2004 05:36, Richard Morey wrote:
>>I have just gotten a stream working and it is very cool. I am using
>>ices0.4 to stream mp3s to icecast2 under redhat 9. I have a couple of
>>questions, though:
>>1. No files are being written to the admin directory. It is successfully
>>writing the access and error logs and the pid file. The path is correct
>>in the icecast.xml file. The user has write access to the admin
>>directory. Do I need to turn something on?
>No, icecast will never write anything to the admin directory. 
>>2. Also, no files are being written to the web directory. Same situation
>>as above.
>Why would it? Again, icecast won't write here.
>The only places icecast will ever write to are:
>  - the log files
>  - the pid file (if configured)
>  - stream dump files (if configured).
>Sounds to me like everything is working correctly.
>>3. With ices0.4, is there any way to force ices to change the mp3 that
>>it is playing while it is running in the background? I'd like to set up
>>somekind of request system. Is there a script that does this?
>Can't help you with this one, I don't use ices 0.4.

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