[icecast] Ices re-encodes have died

Karl Heyes karl at xiph.org
Tue Mar 9 16:54:53 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-03-09 at 16:17, Geoff Shang wrote:
> Hi:
> I'm running ices on one box with three streams, one streaming as is and two
> re-encodes, and another box running icecast2.
> The straight-through stream is going strong, but the two re-encodes have
> died.  Ices is trying to re-establish them, but it keeps saying it gets a
> broken pipe, as evidenced below:

> There's not much of help in the icecast error log.  I had to grep for
> "source" because of all the YP activity (see below), but it seems as if
> ices isn't sending anything down the line.

This can happen unfortunately with the current ices code base, the back
end does not cache what it needs to resume nicely, and it's not so easy
to change without some fairly big changes.  I suspect the workaround is
to send a USR1 signal on re-connection, so that the headers can kick in
or use the ices-kh mods which cache the necessary info. 

> Unfortunately, I don't have the ices log for when the problem started.  For
> some hither-to unknown reason, the ices log starts at just before 19 hours
> on Sunday, by which time this had already started.

Thats probably because of the log size, ~2Meg at the moment, I'm
thinking of making that configurable.

> Another, quite likely unrelated question, is that the YP stuff seems to be
> doing a hell of a lot.  at one stage, I could see only 2 seconds worth of
> activity on the screen, with all the YP debug stuff.  Is there some
> specific delay time between YP touches?  I do of course realise that ices
> trying to reconnect may be causing this and not the other way around, it's
> just that there's nothing in the icecast config that defines how often to
> touch the YP servers (at least as far as I can see).  I've been running the
> server since Saturday and the error log is 61.3 meg.

On source connection, the YP update is flagged, so you are probably
seeing an effect of ices reconnecting.  The YP side of icecast needs to
be fixed up as well (that's in progress) as it is too verbose as is.


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