[icecast] Problems streaming Ogg Vorbis with icecast2+ices

David Soler beavies at punkass.com
Sat Sep 20 09:53:23 UTC 2003

On Sep/20/2003, Geoff Shang wrote:
> Hi:
> Firstly, does your mountpoint end in .ogg?  Many multiformat players are
> broken and use the extention to determine the stream type, rather than the
> MIME type header sent out from the server.  So end your mount point in
> .ogg.
> And second, winamp 3 is broken as far as streaming vorbis is concerned.
> It's also discontinued, so get the latest release of winamp 2.x
> Geoff.

Thanks Geoff, 

Just when I pressed the buttond "Send" of my previous email I've found in
icecast archives another thread talking about my problem. 

And yes, using the termination ".ogg" in my mount points all seems to work

Thanks and sorry about the repeated question in the list.

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