[icecast] noobie questions

Kerry Cox kerry.cox at ksl.com
Fri Sep 12 20:51:32 UTC 2003

If you are interested in using icecast1, which I also run concurrently
with icecast2 for streaming KSL audio content, there is an older HowTo
at the following address:
Looks like it is in Star Office/Open Office format. If you need it
changed to a PDF file, I can do that pretty quicklu.
Hope that helps.

Kerry Cox <kerry.cox at ksl.com>
Bonneville International

On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 14:39, Geoff Shang wrote:
> Hi:
> Since icecast2 is still heading to an initial release, there's no official
> guide for this stuff, but there is a bit of stuff out there.
> First, lets clarify what you want to do.  When you say "CD content", I
> assume you mean audio CD's.
> To provide a stream requires two parts - a source or streamer, and a
> server.  The source is equivalent to a radio studio, the server is
> equivalent to the radio transmitter.  These can either run on the same
> machine or on seperate ones.  the machine that runs the server is the one
> that needs the required bandwidth to serve all the listeners you want to
> accommodate.  Icecast is the server software.  The source software will
> depend on what format you want to stream - MP3 or Ogg Vorbis.  Ices2 will
> do Ogg Vorbis and can input from the soundcard (requires libshout).  Other
> Linux source clients that come to mind are Darkice (does MP3 and Ogg
> Vorbis) and the Oddcast plugin for XMMS (also does both MP3 and Ogg
> Vorbis).  I'm sure there are others I'm overlooking.
> Kerry cox has written a rather comprehensive-looking unofficial howto which
> you can read at http://quasi.ksl.com/icecast/
> Let me know if you have any further questions.
> Geoff.

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