[icecast] PHP + parsing # of listeners.

Josephus josephus at freemail.hu
Fri Nov 21 22:49:55 UTC 2003

i made a lite-version of status2.xsl
It only displays the listener nuumber and nothing else. For my main
webserver i use links --dump http://blabla:8000/file.xsl (u know php exec,
system, etc functions...)

Its kinda sux, but that was the easiest for me :P

<p>----- Original Message -----
From: "Mr. Stauf" <stauf at freshcheese.net>
To: <icecast at xiph.org>
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 10:34 PM
Subject: [icecast] PHP + parsing # of listeners.

<p>> Hello all,
> I have a quick question I believed was already touched on earlier, but I
> find the thread/information in the archives, so I am going to ask away and
> ask for your patience. :)
> So I have my wonderful little PHP script, and my .pls files, and the
> and everything else perfect for my icecast2 setup.  But what I still need
> do is pull the # of listners for a mount point, and put it up on my main
> page to show other listeners the number of listeners.
> Now I seem to remember someone haveing some php scripts that did this sort
> thing, and I can't find those.  I relieve my best bet is to use some
> expression magic and find /mountpointname.ogg,,,, read everything until
> next ,,'s in the status2.xsl.  Now, thats great, but my regular expression
> skills are sub par, and I was wondering if there is another solution, so I
> can create a more customized icecast2 stats page.
> Btw, everyone thank you for all the great work.  And good job on the beta.
> --Stauf
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