[icecast] Runaway icecast again (more YP issues)

oddsock oddsock at oddsock.org
Thu Jun 19 17:20:01 UTC 2003

a couple things here....in most cases the icecast2 server will remove 
itself gracefully from the YP...if for some reason, it is killed manually, 
then it may not do so...I have a cron job which runs every 5 minutes which 
goes in and cleans out any server that hasn't touched in a 5 minute 
period....so if your icecast2 server is forced down and doesn't 
successfully remove itself from the YP,. then for the next 5 minutes or so 
you should see the error message (Server already exists) with the NAK (as 
you see in your log)...Eventually, the clean script will run and will clean 
up your stale entry and icecast2 is configured to keep trying to do the 
yp-add until it's successful...so after about 5 minutes of NAKs, you should 
then be able to list again.

o thats the way it's supposed to work, and I just checked the DB, and 
there are no stale entries, so you shouldn't be getting the "Server already 
exists" message anymore, although clearly, according to your logs, you 
are...so can you send me the Server NAme you are using (this is specified 
in the source client) ?  Feel free to send me the info to 
oddsock at oddsock.org...


At 02:52 AM 6/20/2003 +1000, you wrote:
>The sysadmin on the system where the icecast server I more or less
>administer runs sent me an E-mail today saying that icecast had pushed up
>the system load to over 8 and that he had to kill it off.  Some discussion
>and examination of the log files suggest that there's a problem with
>removing streams from the YP server.
>The main source on our server is on a machine that's used for development
>work.  This means that it has to be rebooted from time to time.  When this
>was done, messages like this began appearing in the server log:
>[2003-06-15  18:49:45] DBUG geturl/curl_print_header_result Message ->
>(Server already exists)
>[2003-06-15  18:49:45] EROR yp/yp_submit_url Got a NAK from yp_add(Server
>already exists) (http://www.oddsock.org/cgi-bin/yp-cgi)
>It seems these have persisted all week.  There are nearly 12 thousand lines
>like this in the 111 MB logfile.  Here's the tail:
>[2003-06-19  06:48:56] DBUG geturl/curl_print_header_result SID -> ()
>[2003-06-19  06:48:56] DBUG geturl/curl_print_header_result Message ->
>(Server already exists)
>[2003-06-19  06:48:56] DBUG geturl/curl_print_header_result Touch Freq ->
>[2003-06-19  06:48:56] DBUG geturl/curl_print_header_result Response -> (0)
>[2003-06-19  06:48:56] EROR yp/yp_submit_url Got a NAK from yp_add(Server
>already exists) (http://yp.icecast.net/cgi-bin/yp.cgi)
>[2003-06-19  06:48:56] DBUG geturl/curl_print_header_result SID -> ()
>[2003-06-19  06:48:56] DBUG geturl/curl_print_header_result Message ->
>(Server already exists)
>[2003-06-19  06:48:56] DBUG geturl/curl_print_header_result Touch Freq ->
>[2003-06-19  06:48:56] DBUG geturl/curl_print_header_result Response -> (0)
>[2003-06-19  06:48:56] EROR yp/yp_submit_url Got a NAK from yp_add(Server
>already exists) (http://www.oddsock.org/cgi-bin/yp-cgi)
>Our guess is that either icecast is not telling the YP servers to get rid
>of the original instance from their list, or the servers aren't doing it.
>So icecast keeps on trying to ad a new stream and the YP server keeps on
>complaining that it already has that one listed.
>Geoff Shang <gshang at uq.net.au>
>ICQ number 43634701
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