[icecast] Icecast deadlock with 1.3.12 (fixed)

Brendan Cully brendan at xiph.org
Sat Jul 5 06:22:14 UTC 2003

This is in CVS, FWIW (that is, not much since the odds of 1.3.13 being
released are epsilon close to nil).

On Wednesday, 02 July 2003 at 11:38, Ned Wolpert wrote:
> Folks,
>     I email abit ago about using 1.3.12 in my environment, and fixing a 
> dead-lock problem.  Since 1.3.12 is 'obsolete', not supported, and GPL 
> I'm provided a patch to the mailing list of my changes to the the 
> src/soruce.c distributed file.  (Its small but significant, as it allows 
> for transparent relays to work)
> I need to use icecast 1 until icecast2 is a) released and b) supports 
> transparent relaying like icecast1 does for the time being.  If anyone 
> else is in the same boat, the following diff fixes problems with 1.3.12.
> [wolpert at memeplex] src> diff icecast-1.3.12/src/source.c 
> old/icecast-1.3.12/src/source.c
> 686,692d685
> <                       thread_mutex_unlock (&info.mount_mutex);
> <                       thread_mutex_unlock (&info.source_mutex);
> <                       thread_mutex_unlock (&info.double_mutex);
> <             sourcecon = relay_pull_stream (req, &err);
> <                       thread_mutex_lock (&info.double_mutex);
> <                       thread_mutex_lock (&info.mount_mutex);
> <                       thread_mutex_lock (&info.source_mutex);
> 694c687
> <               if (sourcecon)
> >               if ((sourcecon = relay_pull_stream (req, &err)))
> Enjoy
--- >8 ----
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