[icecast] Ogg streams on MacOSX

Arc arc at indymedia.org
Mon Aug 11 17:38:21 UTC 2003

On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 11:22:26AM -0600, Matt Boersma wrote:
> Mint audio plays static ogg, not streamed, last time I checked.  Also,
> has anyone actually gotten MacAMP or Audion 3 to actually play an ogg
> stream from icecast2?  I've tried all of them recently, and Whamb is
> still the only one that works in my experience.  Let's not lead Mac
> users astray; it's frustrating enough not being able to use iTunes.

I've gotten Mint Audio, MacAMP, and Audion 3 to all play streams -
however, they all have weird problems.  As I recall, both Mint Audio and
MacAMP i had to manually enter the stream URL - it wouldn't open a .m3u
to play an Ogg stream.  And Audion 3 is demo-ware commercial product.

I think we should all be recommending Whamb! - if it gets enough usage
the authors will likely improve Ogg support and thus send a nice message
to Apple about their refusing to support Ogg in iTunes.

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