[icecast] Debian packages: icecast2, libshout, ices2

Keegan Quinn ice at wasteland.respond2.com
Fri Aug 8 21:36:28 UTC 2003

On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 03:57:44PM -0500, Luke Stodola wrote:
> I've compiled Keegan's libogg, libvorbis, and icecast2 packages for
> woody/powerpc, available at
> http://showcase.stjacademy.org/debianpackages/ if anyone wants them. 
> Keegan, feel fry to put these on your site.

Thanks, but it looks to me like you've done a bit more than recompile my
packages for PowerPC.  The Debian revisions are completely different; in
fact, they match the current unstable versions, which is going to cause
some very confusing conflicts for anyone who tries to upgrade them!

(I mean for libogg and libvorbis; icecast2 is numbered correctly, but
is still unusable without the other two...)

Try to 'apt-get source -b' my packages on your build machine, maybe? 

> I was unable to get a libshout (and therefore IceS) package compiled
> easily; there were too many unmet build-deps when running woody that I
> didn't want to install.

Perhaps this is because you used the unstable source packages instead of my
backports?  I haven't read the diffs yet but it seems like this is what
has happened, judging by the revision numbers.  The libshout packages in
unstable use a build system which is not yet available in woody, called
the common Debian build system (cdbs).

Did you perhaps have a 'deb-src' entry for unstable in your sources.list?

> Keegan, how hard is it to cross-compile to
> powerpc?  If you wouldn't mind making some PPC versions of your packages,
> I'd be happy to test them.  Thanks.

I've never tried cross-compiling, but perhaps I can look into it, if you
can't figure out an easy, repeatable way of rebuilding my source packages.
It really shouldn't be difficult, though; I can't understand why the
build-dependancies would be any different on powerpc from i386.

Testing will be greatly appreciated, thanks!  I'm glad at the prospect of
adding powerpc support to these backports.

By the way, I'm planning on preparing updated backports, probably this
weekend, of at least ices2 and icecast2.  I'm hoping to get onto a
bi-weekly update schedule for these, along with the versions I've got
in unstable.


 - Keegan

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