[icecast] Transcoding Ogg streams?

Leo Currie leo.currie at strath.ac.uk
Fri Nov 29 16:21:39 UTC 2002


I'm confused about one of the statements on 

I have a server using Ices2 as the source. I provide it with Ogg's 
encoded at quality 5, and I get it to provide lower bitrate streams like 

etc etc...
And it works fine.

My question is this:
 From the link above, it says:
"Vorbis has bitrate scaling - a feature that lets you adjust the bitrate 
of a Vorbis file or stream without reencoding"
Does this mean that Ices is _not_ re-encoding the vorbis stream, but 
actually just magically adjusting it's bitrate?
Or is it just doing ogg->pcm->ogg like I thought it would?
If that is the case, is there a less-processor intensive way of 
'transcoding' and ogg stream? Ices seems to use a lot of processor doing 
what I have above.



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