[icecast] icecast to rebound streaming radio

Stuardo Rodriguez str at strgt.cjb.net
Tue Nov 19 08:17:48 UTC 2002

On Monday 18 November 2002 23:23, Geoff Shang wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Stuardo Rodriguez wrote:
> > What we want to do is this: to stream the local radio from Guatemala to
> > USA, this means that the local machine will only have 1 client. Then we
> > want that the server in USA "rebounds" what it recives from Guatemala.
> > Then, the server in USA could have many clients..
> > is it posible with icecast?  how do i do it?

> As for how, this depends on whether you're wanting to use icecast 1.x or
> icecast 2.  Let us know and one of us will be able to walk you through it.
> Geoff.

I don't really care if it is icecast 1 or 2 ...

StR <str at strgt.cjb.net>
- http://strgt.cjb.net -
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