[icecast] Compiling with lame support

jaromil jaromil at dyne.org
Thu Apr 19 15:29:03 UTC 2001

On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 03:47:40AM -0400, Andrew M. Wu wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been trying to compile and re-compile ices-0.0.1beta5 with lame
> support.
> I've downloaded the source to lame-3.88beta and compiled it and installed
> it.   The configure script allows for the compilation of a libmp3lame.a
> and libmp3lame.la, but not libmp3lame.so (in the INSTALL it says that is a
> (not yet) ).  
> In configuring ices I specify the include dir for lame.h and the library
> dir for the lame library file; make; and make install.
> However lame still hasn't compiled with lame support and I can't
> re-encode.
> Any suggestions would be most welcome.
> I'm running a Mandrake 7.0 base system on kernel 2.4.2.

the lame API changed in many points from 3.87beta to 3.88beta
i guess that's the problem, try to use the 3.87: probably ices has been
coded on that API.


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