[icecast-dev] proposal: new library, libicecommon

oddsock oddsock at oddsock.org
Sat Apr 3 19:59:31 PST 2004

At 11:10 AM 4/3/2004, you wrote:

>But I'm not sure about this. There's nothing in those libraries of any
>use to anything but icecast code itself, so I don't see why it should
>be installed on users' systems. It's true that the code is used in a
>couple of different icecast places, but I don't think it's large
>enough to warrant being an additional end-user dependency. As far as I
>can tell this just sacrifices user convenience for developer
>convenience, which IMHO is usually a bad trade.
well, one of the main reasons for making it a separate library is the fact 
that both icecast AND ices use it...otherwise, I'd suggest just including 
it with the icecast core.....


<p>--- >8 ----
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