[Flac] Bad mime type reported for flac file

ericw at xmtp.net ericw at xmtp.net
Thu Dec 4 14:31:13 PST 2008

Bingo!  And on the first guess too.  Thank you!  Now I just have to  
figure out which of my tools dares to add ID3 tags to my flac files,  
because I'm certainly not doing it intentionally.

black:/media/mildred/music/Tool/10,000 Days$ id3info 01-Vicarious-10\, 
000\ Days-Tool.flac

*** Tag information for 01-Vicarious-10,000 Days-Tool.flac
=== TIT2 (Title/songname/content description): Vicarious
=== TPE1 (Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)): Tool
=== TALB (Album/Movie/Show title): 10,000 Days
=== TYER (Year): 2006
=== COMM (Comments): ()[]:
=== TCON (Content type): (92)
=== TRCK (Track number/Position in set): 1
black:/media/mildred/music/Tool/10,000 Days$ id3info Vicarious_test.flac

*** Tag information for Vicarious_test.flac
black:/media/mildred/music/Tool/10,000 Days$ cp 01-Vicarious-10\,000\  
Days-Tool.flac id3_test.flac
black:/media/mildred/music/Tool/10,000 Days$ id3convert -s id3_test.flac
Converting id3_test.flac: attempting v1 and v2, stripped v1 and v2
black:/media/mildred/music/Tool/10,000 Days$ id3info id3_test.flac
*** Tag information for id3_test.flac
black:/media/mildred/music/Tool/10,000 Days$ file -ib id3_test.flac

Thank you very much Brian.


On Dec 4, 2008, at 2:57 PM, Brian Willoughby wrote:

> Eric,
> I believe that ID3 tags are not legal for FLAC, but they are  
> accommodated.  ID3 tags are supposed to be for MP3 only.  The Linux  
> "file" utility is probably finding ID3 tags and making a reasonable  
> assumption that this is an MP3.
> I don't tag my FLAC files, so I do not know what to suggest.   
> Perhaps there are some clues in the FLAC documentation on what are  
> proper tag formats.  All I can remember is that MP3/ID3 tags are not  
> really legal.
> Brian Willoughby
> Sound Consulting
> On Dec 4, 2008, at 13:07, ericw at xmtp.net wrote:
> It has recently come to my attention that the linux "file" utility
> reports some (but not all) of my flac files as having a mime type of
> "audio/mpeg".  Obviously this is incorrect, but why is it reported as
> such?
> This led me to wonder if it was the tags..?  Since in theory both flac
> files are the same..?
> No go...  This is strange yes?  I can write a script to convert them
> all, transfer all the tags, etc, but, I'm still curious as to why this
> is happening.  If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.

ericw at xmtp.net

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                        -- Pop Will Eat Itself, "Ich Bin Ein Auslander"

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