[Flac] Bad mime type reported for flac file

Brian Willoughby brianw at sounds.wa.com
Thu Dec 4 13:57:24 PST 2008


I believe that ID3 tags are not legal for FLAC, but they are  
accommodated.  ID3 tags are supposed to be for MP3 only.  The Linux  
"file" utility is probably finding ID3 tags and making a reasonable  
assumption that this is an MP3.

I don't tag my FLAC files, so I do not know what to suggest.  Perhaps  
there are some clues in the FLAC documentation on what are proper tag  
formats.  All I can remember is that MP3/ID3 tags are not really legal.

Brian Willoughby
Sound Consulting

On Dec 4, 2008, at 13:07, ericw at xmtp.net wrote:
It has recently come to my attention that the linux "file" utility
reports some (but not all) of my flac files as having a mime type of
"audio/mpeg".  Obviously this is incorrect, but why is it reported as

This led me to wonder if it was the tags..?  Since in theory both flac
files are the same..?

No go...  This is strange yes?  I can write a script to convert them
all, transfer all the tags, etc, but, I'm still curious as to why this
is happening.  If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.

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