[flac] re-encode tool win32

Aaron Whitehouse lists at whitehouse.org.nz
Fri Sep 28 15:40:28 PDT 2007

> anyone who has a basic command of an **IX shell is more
> than capable of one-lining most find/search/sort/exec tasks.

That is overstating things a little. I have been using Linux for about
five years and I wouldn't have come up with that command on my own.

That said, I agree that Josh is better to spend his time writing the
encoder (which he does incredibly well). I guess that people who want
to do this will find it out eventually :). With any luck, third party
tools will step in to provide this kind of functionality, in a
user-friendly manner, without distracting Josh. The same argument
could be said for the windows FLAC gui - is it just a "distraction"
from the core job of upgrading the encoder?

To be fair, if it is really that simple, someone that isn't up to
working on the encoder could add this feature and Josh wouldn't be
distracted at all. There would be no need to "re-implement or maintain
"dir", "grep", or "find" equivs in flac" as they could depend on the
existing tools. It would not be desirable for the base Flac libraries
to depend on these things, however, so I agree that it probably
belongs somewhere else.

This is all just rambling, really. I now have the answer and can
happily use it. I just get annoyed when people tell me that your
average simple user could come up with a long command string when, in
actual fact, the majority of computer users don't ever see a command

Thanks for your help,


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