[Flac] 35 Bytes

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 9 13:17:00 PDT 2006

--- Didier Eggerickx <didier.eggerickx at skynet.be> wrote:
> Hi,
> A little question : I use two Plextor drives to rip an Audio Cd.
> All the files are strictly identical in size and content with the two
> drives...except the last one; they are identical in size, but when
> comparing their content, I receive a message saying one is more
> recent! I really don't understand how it's possible, it must be an
> hardware reason.
> Once ripped, I convert the two files, first in MP3, then in FLAC.
> For the two MP3 files, I receive the same message : one is more
> recent than the other, but they are identical in size.
> For the two FLAC files, it's a difference of 35 bytes in size between
> the two files.
> How can be that interpreted??
> P.S. This fact happens with one CD, not others!!



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