Josh Coalson
xflac at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 7 13:02:23 PST 2005
--- "Newcomb, Michael-P57487" <Michael.Newcomb at gdc4s.com> wrote:
> Hello FLACers,
> I'm just getting started and am using the test suite as a beginning
> point. I have combined the stream encoder and decoder tests.
> The test encoder uses a 1024 array of integers (initialized 0-7 over
> and
> over again). I take this array and feed it into the encoder and save
> the
> resulting array from the write callback. I then feed that to the
> decoder
> and save the resulting array it writes.
> I then walk the arrays comparing their values... THEY MATCH! YAY!
> However, I get an error callback, during
> stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_stream() call, with the
> My question is, data seems to be ok, so, why this error?
hard to tell without seeing the code.
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