[Flac-users] metaflac: "memory access error"

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 11 23:09:09 PDT 2003

--- joschua10 at gmx.de wrote:
> Hello all,
> I used metaflac to add replay-gain to a lot of flac-files. But with
> few of
> them metaflac exit and sais "Speicherzugriffsfehler" which I
> translate to
> "memory access error" or somethin like this. The problematic files
> has the same
> size like the other ones and I dont know why metaflac has a problem
> with them.
> I tested them with flac and the files seems to be ok.
> I use FLAC 1.1.0 on a Debian system with Linux 2.4.20.
> Any Ideas?

not really, there's not enough info to tell what's going on.
but you might have found a bug.  if you can send me a url to the
input file, and tell me the command-line you used that caused
the crash, I can try and recreate it.


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