[Flac-users] CD archiving

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 28 10:05:02 PST 2002

--- "Jesse W. Hathaway" <jwhathaw at uiuc.edu> wrote:
> 1. What is the best method tagging method to use? Josh mentioned that
> id3v1 was preferred over id3v2 since it didn't mess with the
> beginning
> of the file. However id3v1 has quite a few limitations such as 
> restricted length of entries that make it not a very desirable
> option.
> The other option is vorbis-style comments. 

Now that Vorbis comments support is in everywhere (format,
metaflac, plugins) it is the preferred method.

The FLAC spec is neutral towards id3 tags.  Any implementation
may disallow id3 tags and still be FLAC compliant.  The
reference decoders skip them and the plugins read them just
for convenience.

> 2. Are there any unix programs that can extract an audio cd, encode
> in flac and comment it with vorbis comments?

I usually cobble together a script to do what I need.
You can probably get most of the way there with Grip


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