[Flac-dev] dropping id3 support

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 24 16:41:42 PDT 2004

--- Brian Willoughby <brianw at sounds.wa.com> wrote:
> Where is id3lib used?  I must admit that I only noticed it recently
> when  
> trying to compile 1.1.1beta ...  I had hoped that it would be used in
> the flac  
> command-line tool to support conversion of AIFF and WAVE ID3 tags to
> FLAC tags,  
> or something along those lines as an interim measure since unknown
> chunks are  
> generally lost when compressing AIFF or WAVE.
> Is there any way the ID3 library could be used this way? 

I think this belongs in separate tagging software.  there are a
lot of good tagging tools out already.


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