[Flac-dev] dropping id3 support

Brian Willoughby brianw at sounds.wa.com
Fri Sep 24 14:31:45 PDT 2004

Where is id3lib used?  I must admit that I only noticed it recently when  
trying to compile 1.1.1beta ...  I had hoped that it would be used in the flac  
command-line tool to support conversion of AIFF and WAVE ID3 tags to FLAC tags,  
or something along those lines as an interim measure since unknown chunks are  
generally lost when compressing AIFF or WAVE.

Is there any way the ID3 library could be used this way?  ... or is it more  
prudent to put time into preserving unknown chunks instead of translating just  
one type of chunk?

Sorry for the off-the-wall questions - I only just noticed that ID3 was around  
the FLAC project.

Brian Willoughby
Sound Consulting

Begin forwarded message:

From: Josh Coalson <xflac at yahoo.com>

after spending a lot of time integrating X-Fixer's winamp2
plugin code, I am on the verge of removing id3 v1/v2 support
from the plugins completely.  it is really hard to get right
in a way that works intuitively for the user, and i18n is
also a nightmare.  in id3v2 every field can have a different

FLAC tag a.k.a. Vorbis comment support is very good now so
unless someone comes up with a really compelling reason, I'm
going to drop it in the next release.


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