[advocacy] Re: Personal Music License

Daniel James daniel
Thu Sep 6 07:20:26 PDT 2001

>     On the other hand let's imagine that there's an artist called
> David Bowie, who understands how the internet works. He's savvy
> enough about the content industry to have set up his own publishing
> company, so he owns the rights to his own songs. He lets us
> download his work and share it freely with his blessing,
> Does David Bowie in fact do this?

Well, it's a hypothetical example. The Bowie website is a gated
community, entered only by subscribers, so I can't use the 'Ask
David' feature to find out if he would release tracks in .ogg format.


He is currently using RealAudio (uggh) although this is could be
because he hasn't tried Ogg or Icecast yet - probably doesn't know
they exist. Any davidbowie.com members on this list who could ask?

I think an .ogg release by a 'household name' artist would be a great
accompaniment to the 1.0 release. Any suggestions for who I should
try to ask next, list people?


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