[advocacy] The record industry strikes back
Bacchus Thirteen
bacchus_t at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 20 01:08:33 PDT 2001
--- Daniel James <daniel at mondodesigno.com> wrote:
>I think it's more similar to the conventional
>copyright terms on CD's, which are all about what
>you're not allowed to do.
Yes, I meant only the aspect that allows artists to
release their works on the net and get paid. The
restrictions to both artists and their fans are very
conventional. That's why I wrote about the record
industry's attempts to take control on artists and
their fans by carrot, or money and stick, or laws.
> Most artists make very little money from music, even
> if they have a
> record deal and are making plenty for someone else.
I assume that you are tying to argue that most artists
cannot make money with the record industry, neither.
(A tricky thing here is this 'most,' isn't it?) Then,
how about the income of GPL artists? In terms of
computer programs, third companies can make money with
additional services and give support to the
programmers. How does it work in the case of GPL
media contents in practice? You mentioned CD selling
but, for example, burning Linux distributions to CDs
and sending them to users are not the major income of
the third companies dealing with Linux. Please note
that I am not counter-arguing you but only want to
know how it works or at lest is supposed to work.
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