[Vorbis] Query regarding libvorbis

Geoff Shang Geoff at QuiteLikely.com
Wed Feb 27 06:16:58 PST 2008

Rajalakshmi Raghavan wrote:

> So what do i do in order for it to find libogg ? Thing is there is libogg
> installed in my system, do i have to do a EXPORT logg = path.. or something?
> How does this work?

First, if you are cross-compiling then you'll want to cross-compile libogg 
as well and link against that one.

Anyway, to link against a library that the system isn't finding, try

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH= /path/to/lib

I know this works for execution, not sure if it works for complation or 

Of course, configure really should be finding libogg before you even get to 
the make stage.


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