[Advocacy] Re: [Vorbis] Ogg Vorbis bitrate peeling bounty on Launchpad

Segher Boessenkool segher at kernel.crashing.org
Mon Oct 24 04:45:32 PDT 2005

> A note to the masses looking to tackle this: It's very easy to do
> peeling... badly.


> Years ago, segher wrote a util that just chops off
> packets to a smaller length as a bit of a joke.  Although, stricly
> speaking, this was a valid peeler, the results were terrible :-)

The framework that that code used was not a joke.  The only
thing that needs changing is the decision on how much to chop
off per packet.  And that, of course, is the hard part ;-P

> If someone is interested in chasing the bounty, I'll be happy to
> answer questions.  I don't personally have the time to chase it, but
> I'll listen to anyone seriously chasing the problem.

Same here.


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