[Vorbis] Ogg Vorbis bitrate peeling bounty on Launchpad

Aaron Whitehouse lists at whitehouse.org.nz
Sat Oct 22 14:37:33 PDT 2005

Monty wrote:

> I approve wholeheartedly of this approach.  You've also spelled out what you declare a success, an excellent thing.  

I can't claim too much credit for that - it is straight from the wiki
(with the license thing cleared up)!

> A note to the masses looking to tackle this: It's very easy to do
> peeling... badly.  Years ago, segher wrote a util that just chops off
> packets to a smaller length as a bit of a joke.  Although, stricly
> speaking, this was a valid peeler, the results were terrible :-)

Thanks a lot Monty; I'm glad that I have your support :). With any luck
it will attract more attention than otherwise because Launchpad is
starting out and everybody is interested in the three bounties that have
been registered so far! If nothing else I hope it encourages newbies to
check out what Vorbis is.

I have attached your comments to the bounty but did not put your email
address for your privacy (even if it is in the archives). As I think you
said, segher's 'valid peeler' wouldn't satisfy the bounty because it
wouldn't be of similar quality to encoding from the source.

Thanks to all those who have added to this bounty. So far (in 24
hours!), assuming that all requirements are satisfied, this bounty could
be worth US$20 + US$30 + US$50 + EUR30 = US$100 + EUR30. Thanks again to



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