[Vorbis] Re: Recursively vcutting

Andy Baxter andy at earthsong.free-online.co.uk
Sun Jan 2 06:29:53 PST 2005

On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 14:01:11 +0000, Kelsang Norpel wrote:

> Hi,
> I've got alot of long 1-2hr files which I'd like to split up into 5-10 minute 
> chunks.  I think this should be possible using a small shell script and vcut, 
> but my scripting abilities are lacking.  Does anyone know of the existence of 
> a script which would do this, or know how I'd go about making one?
> So say I had a 60 min file (60mins.ogg) I'd like to issue a command something 
> like
>> split outfilename 60mins.ogg 600
> which would do a series of vcuts
> vcut outfile1.ogg tmpfile.ogg 60mins.ogg +600
> vcut outfile2.ogg tmpfile2.ogg tmpfile.ogg +600
> /bin/rm tmpfile.ogg 
> vcut outfile3.ogg tmpfile3.ogg tmpfile2.ogg +600
> /bin/rm tmpfile2.ogg
> .......
> until it's reached the end of the file

This does it:


name="${file%.ogg}" # strip extension.
cp "$file" /tmp/file-$$.ogg
while [ $stop -eq 0 ] ; do
    echo "cutting to ${name}-$n.ogg"
    vcut /tmp/file-$$.ogg "${name}-$n.ogg" /tmp/remainder-$$.ogg "$split"
    mv /tmp/remainder-$$.ogg /tmp/file-$$.ogg
    n=$(( $n + 1 ))

rm /tmp/file-$$.ogg


save it as vdice, then do vdice +600 filename.ogg

The key bit is the 'stop=$?' line, which tells the script to stop cutting
when vcut returns an error (because the split point has gone beyond the
end of the file.)

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