[Vorbis] FLAC to Vorbis

Graham Mitchell graham at grahammitchell.com
Tue Aug 9 21:41:38 PDT 2005

> What is the best way for me to
> convert all of those FLAC to ogg-Vorbis files, keeping all the tag
> information and the same directory structure?

oggenc natively reads FLAC files as input, preserving tags, since they're both 
xiph formats.  You can tell oggenc NOT to copy tags, by the way, but it uses 
'em by default if you don't specify one way or the other.

[mitchell at localhost]$ oggenc --quiet --quality 4 input.flac

...produces input.ogg.  It actually runs faster than encoding from WAV, even, 
because it doesn't have to read as many bytes from disk.

As far as recursively recreating directory structure, I'll let someone who's 
handier with "find" and for loops in bash take a stab at it.

Graham Mitchell - computer science teacher, Leander High School
"We draw people to Christ not by loudly discrediting what they believe, by
telling them how wrong they are and how right we are, but by showing them a
light that is so lovely that they want with all their hearts to know the
source of it."
	-- Madeleine L'Engle, "Walking on Water"

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