[vorbis] Re: First impressions of iRiver iHP120

Jernej Simonèiè jernej.simoncic at guest.arnes.si
Mon Mar 22 15:01:12 PST 2004

On Monday, March 22, 2004, 23:44:01, Sebastian Gesemann wrote:

> The playlist handling and the shuffle's randomness could be
> improved, too.

As far as I can tell, the shuffle always plays the files in the same order,
so I got the habit of preparing several shuffled playlists on my computer
and then selecting one of them to play.

I also have problems with the player freezing on (at least) 2 Ogg files, and
it took me 3 e-mails to convince the tech support that I had the latest
firmware, the files were inside the specs, and that there had to be a bug in
the firmware (and, even if the files weren't playable, the device shouldn't
just freeze - the only way to reset it is with a paperclip, and that's not
something I usually carry while cycling).

begin  .sig
< Jernej Simoncic >< http://deepthought.ena.si/ >

We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming.
       -- Von Braun's Law of Gravity

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