[Vorbis] Middle ground? (was Re: "HAANCOSTFU?")

Paul Martin pm
Mon Jun 21 06:34:42 PDT 2004

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On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 04:55:50AM -0400, Monty wrote:

> You're all right, but you're only right in your own minds.  You're all
> wrong, but only because you insist everyone else think like you do.

Can you please suggest a middle ground, then?

.ogg and application/ogg are set in stone. However, they don't map to
real-world usage too well. (Viz. the need to read the whole stream to
work out what it contains.)

There appears to be a very real need for some recommendation or
suggestion, official or semi-official, of a mnemonic file extension for
hinting at content type, just like there are recognised suggestions for
comment tags.

By doing this now it is hoped that it will save a lot of pain later.

Paul Martin <pm at zetnet.net> (work)
<pm at nowster.zetnet.co.uk> (home)

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