[Vorbis] .ogg extension and Theora

Stephen So s.so
Sun Jun 20 02:23:54 PDT 2004

With regards to using *.ogg for everything (audio, video, or both), new
tools for detecting the content of ogg files is definitely needed for
Windows.  This is probably a trivial task as ogginfo probably can report
that a certain ogg file has a second stream other than audio.  One tool
that comes to mind (for windows) is VorbisExt at
http://vorbisext.sourceforge.net   I think this is one useful app where
you can get info and edit tags of ogg files through the properties menu
in Windows.  A slight addition to this program to detect the presence of
a video stream and what kind of video it is will be a first step for
Windows users to manage their ogg files.

Secondly, I think we could do with an Ogg organiser program or Ogg
classifier, that basically classifies and categorises your ogg files as
audio only, video only, or audio+video, in a windows explorer like
interface.  Also, it should have its own executing function where double
clicking on each file would start the appropriate player.   Basically
what I am saying is we should *ditch Windows explorer* and have our own
"Ogg explorer" (hey, that's another name to try :) ) which will open the
appropriate program (which can be set via preferences) when the file is
clicked, whether it is Ogg Vorbis (starts winamp or foobar2k), or Ogg
Theora (starts up RealPlayer).

If we make Ogg Explorer downloadable (and supported) by Xiph.Org, and
boast about it its efficiency in organising your ogg files via content,
then I'm sure the average user will want to give it a try (when they
visit vorbis.com), given that it doesn't require a 20 MB download, spray
1000s of DLLs onto their system, and use up 50 MB of RAM on startup. :)
:) :)

Best regards,


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