[Vorbis] .ogg extension and Theora

Jon Doda jdoda
Thu Jun 17 15:02:22 PDT 2004

Dan Hollis wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Jun 2004, Arc Riley wrote:
>>We are not going to impose a bunch of stupid rules and exceptions that
>>serve to make Windows users lives a little easier at the expense of
>>the time and confusion of every non-Windows user.
> so basically youre sacrificing windows usability in favor of non windows.
> and people wonder why vorbis isnt more broadly accepted?

Well, there's no file manager I know of on *nix that can open an ogg
containing video and one containing audio in different applications.  At
the very least that would require different mime types for audio and
video oggs.  It would also require restrictive muxing rules in order for
you to be able to tell the difference with magic.

This is not a conflict between windows and non-windows users, since
non-windows users still have the exact same problem, and it could be
solved by the exact same solution.

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