[vorbis] Bitrate stripping?

Robert Jessop rj200 at zepler.net
Thu Jan 1 11:07:33 PST 2004

On Thu, 2004-01-01 at 16:19, Arc Riley wrote:

> first there's just "alternative live-swappable pages", that is, an 
> alternative stream with the same SerialNo where any page which has the 
> same pageno and granulepos is a possible switching point to an 
> alternative bitrate, so if an IceShare peer is streaming the content and 
> they can't keep up they could get switched to this lower bitrate on the 
> fly.  Obviously encoders for this will have to ensure that continued 
> pages don't have matching granulepos to alternative bitrates.

I thought of doing this a couple of months ago and even started
experimenting a bit. In vorbisenc, the ABR encoder works by encoding
each frame 15 times at different qualities and choosing the one to use
later.  I got as far as making a modified example_encoder.c which
activated ABR mode but instead of letting vorbisenc choose which version
of the frame to output always output the nth version, (specified at
compile time).

I haven't done any more for 2 months because I deleted windows and have
been trying a variety of linux distro's. I'm using LormaLinux now.

I'm Not sure if and when I'll do a server. Adding the feature to Icecast
would be the way to go but it'd be pretty complicated to implement with
the separate encoder and server architecture.

Robert Jessop

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