[vorbis] Ogg Filesharing Tool

Martin Blackwell djdij at handbags.freeserve.co.uk
Mon May 26 16:32:59 PDT 2003

just done a quick search on kazaalite, and some has what appears to be a
whole double CD album by Mauro Picotto up for grabs.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lorenzo Prince" <lorenzo at princenet.sytes.net>
To: <vorbis at xiph.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: [vorbis] Ogg Filesharing Tool

<p>Have you tried any of the gnutella programs?  I have found a lot of Oggs
there I couldn't find on WinMX.  I am using Linux, but there are also
gnutella servants for Windows.


> I'm an idiot..  At least this [bug] took about 5 minutes to find..
We need to find some new terms to describe the rest of us mere mortals
-- Craig Schlenter in response to Linus Torvalds's

Markus Gaisbauer staggered into view and mumbled:

> > As for Ogg vorbis.... the reality is that not many people use it.  Most
> > people aren't going to use it until programs like EasyCD, NeroCD,
> > MusicMatch, RealOne, etc. include vorbis in there ready for them to use.
> thanks for the answer,
> i knew that the situation is not that good yet, but still the worlds most
> popular player winamp supports ogg, there is a plugin for nero, one og the
> popularst games unreal 2 uses it and ogg wins both tests in the best
> magzin and the most popular magazin here in austria/germany.
> i know that there are more people down there who use ogg. but where do
> hide. do they all use linux and share their files on linux only tools. ogg
> has so many advantages. it is perfect for use as audiostreams in divx
> (ogm files). there are so many different tools for ogg, so many sites.
> must use this tools and visit this sites. don't these people listen to
> on their pc. don't they share this music on the internet???
> --
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