AW: [vorbis] divide by zero and CVS version stability

Hauke Duden hdu at
Wed Jul 16 01:35:25 PDT 2003

Michael Smith wrote:
> > At the
> > end of each encoding session a divide by zero (D=0) happens in
> > bark_noise_hybridmp (psy.c:642). This causes a crash on 
> > Win9x systems
> This can happen with some input files in 1.0 (it doesn't 
> happen with all - or 
> even most - files). We haven't had any previous reports of 
> this causing 
> actual crashes on win32 before, though, which is a little strange. 

It is just one of the quirks of Win9x. Divide by zero floating point
exceptions are not masked by default, so they cause a program crash.

Thanks for your help!

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