[vorbis] Why the commotion about file extensions?

Graham Mitchell graham at grahammitchell.com
Tue Jul 15 17:39:59 PDT 2003

> .ogm - Anything with video

I don't think the developers will bless *anything* involving ogm.  My 
understanding is that it's an unsupported hack which they merely tolerate 
because it's simpler than actively opposing it.

I'd recommend that you not include the letters "ogm" in anything you forward 
to the developers as a suggestion.

But that's merely my non-official, non-insider feeling.  The truth may vary.

Graham Mitchell - computer science teacher, Leander High School
"Come thou no more for ransom, gentle herald.  They shall have none, I
swear, but these my joints, which if they have as I will leave 'em them,
shall yield them little."                             - Henry the Fifth

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