[vorbis] .ogg file extension for both audio and video?

Beni Cherniavsky cben at techunix.technion.ac.il
Mon Jul 14 03:28:56 PDT 2003

Paul E wrote on 2003-07-14:

> Is there a reason that Theora couldn't exist in an OGM though?  Or
> are there technical reasons as to why it is not well suited to .ogm
> files?  Correct me if I'm wrong (it happens a lot more than I'd like
> to admit) but isn't Theora just a codec and not a container format?
Theora is a codec, just like Speex and Vorbis.  Their native container
is Ogg.  Now correct me if I'm wrong (I never used it and I'm speaking
from memory of what I heard => probability of errors above 0.5!):
`.ogm` is already for used by Tobias' filters that use an Ogg-based
wrapper to store DivX + Vorbis sound, and do so with some
incompatibilities to either the ogg spec, the DirectShow API or both.
IIRC people from the Xiph team said the OGM format is a hack and they
won't endorse it in any way.  The situation might improve now since
these filters became open-source; I don't know more details.  Anyway,
there are no plans to store Theora in OGM, only in pure Ogg.  And it's
best not to confuse any Theora-containing format with OGM.  At least
because currently OGM only stores DivX, AFAIK.  Now somebody please
correct my mistakes, I don't want to spread unchecked FUD :-)...

Beni Cherniavsky <cben at tx.technion.ac.il>

If I don't hack on it, who will?  And if I don't GPL it, what am I?
And if it itches, why not now?  [With apologies to Hilel ;]
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