[vorbis] Re: Please confirm your message

Csaba Horvath ch4r1ie at freemail.hu
Thu Apr 17 04:18:57 PDT 2003

Hi vorbis!

Ezt írtad Wednesday, April 16, 2003, 4:22:39 PM perckor:

vxo> Hello, this is the mailing list anti-spam filter at Xiph.Org.  
vxo> We need you to confirm your e-mail message with the subject of 
vxo> "Re: [vorbis] Re: OGG in RIFF-WAVE (encoding with MSACM)".

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vxo>    vorbis+confirm+1050506559.18549.9dda62 at xiph.org

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vxo> Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 17:22:07 +0100
vxo> From: Csaba Horvath <ch4r1ie at freemail.hu>
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vxo> To: vorbis at xiph.org
vxo> Subject: Re: [vorbis] Re: OGG in RIFF-WAVE (encoding with MSACM)
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vxo> Hi Christian!

vxo> Ezt írtad Sunday, April 6, 2003, 8:40:35 PM perckor:

>>> atom wrote:
>>> So i'm trying to write an app that enocodes WAV files to "Ogg in a RIFF-WAV"
>>> files. 
>>> 1. There is a Vorbis.ACM already, developed in Japan
>>> 2. ACM does only support CBR audio, so you cant make a real spec
>>> compliant VBR audio codec with it. Vorbis in AVI sux and gets out of
>>> sync all the time

>>> Christian

vxo> You should try putting the avi into the ogg file. This way it would
vxo> support VBR oggs. Here are the need links:

vxo> http://oggmux.sourceforge.net/
vxo> http://tobias.everwicked.com/
vxo> http://virtualdubmod.sourceforge.net/

vxo> CH4R1ie


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