[vorbis] Vorbis as a standard

Linus Walleij triad at df.lth.se
Fri Nov 22 08:58:28 PST 2002

On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, Peter Maersk-Moller wrote:

> A more likely approach would be to push for a RFC under IETF,
> but writing the document and get it approved would be hard work.
> To make it worse, probably the only ones with sufficient
> knowledge to write the RFC are the one writing the code.

Wella. We have RFC drafts for the Ogg encapsulation formats coming up as
you see (thanks to excellent work by Silvia), and stand a good chance to
have them passed at the next IETF meeting.

Agreed that this is not a vorbis RFC, but your company executives, are
they also competent enough to know the difference between the carrier
format and the content format? My guess is that this document satisfies 9
out of 10 executives' standard compliance policies. :-)


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